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Activations do not appear in available activations list

Possible cause and solution:

  • The activation has expired.

    Request a new activation.

  • The computer cannot access the activation files on the dongle.

    Verify that the dongle drivers are installed on the computer. If not, navigate to the ..\Rockwell Software\FactoryTalk Activation\ subdirectory and double-click the Install Dongle Driver.bat file to launch the dongle installation process.

  • The activations were rehosted before they were returned.

    Refresh the server by clicking Advanced > Manage This Server > Refresh.

  • The activation server is not reachable.

    Verify that each selected computer in the Path to Activations is connected to the network and is available. If not, address the connectivity issues and try again.

    Verify that each path in Path to Activations is correct. If not, correct the path to reflect the correct path to activations and then try again.

    Check that the activation server is running. If the server state is Stopped, click Advanced > Manage This Server > Refresh.

See also

Restart the activation services

Configure the FactoryTalk Activation server