Edit the Options file to organize host computers in a group and reserve activations for the group.
HOST_GROUP [name] [host1] [host2] [hostN]
RESERVE [count] [featurekey] HOST_GROUP [name]
For example:
HOST_GROUP Plantadminpcs flooradminpc supervisorpc1 supervisorpc2 teamleadpc1 teamleadpc2
RESERVE 5 RS5K_700.EXE HOST_GROUP Plantadminpcs.*
The first line creates the group Plantadminpcs composed of 5 computers. The second line holds five activations for the Logix Designer application for use by computers that are members of the Plantadminpcs group.
Example Options file for groups of host computers
Activation feature names associated with products
Exclude a specific computer from borrowing
Keywords: reserve, activation, group, host